We have made the following revisions to our scheme to address comments made by residents and other key stakeholders:
The building has been reduced in height by 5.5m, achieved by:
Removing a top floor, including plant enclosure
Removing a lower, full floor, covering entire building
As a result, the proposed building is now 6 - 20 storeys, as opposed to the original proposal, which was 7 - 22 storeys and it is 11.5 m lower than the neighbouring Brunel Building
The number of student bedrooms has been reduced from 843 to 768
75 fewer student rooms
9% reduction in student numbers
We have also re-visited the canalside façade and have re-designed this to be more ‘vertical’ in its appearance. Additionally, we have introduced two additional large glazed window units from the Travis Perkins unit - making four in total - looking out onto the canal, and made a number of improvements to the proposed landscaping, both of the canalside path and the roof gardens
While we acknowledge that you cannot replace a predominantly one storey building with a taller building without causing some impact on daylight and sunlight levels for our neighbours, we have designed the proposed building from the outset to minimise this impact. Our revised scheme represents a significant improvement in this respect when compared to the previously submitted scheme
In response to concerns about the impact of deliveries, we have identified how these can be consolidated off-site and only delivered at agreed times
A number of local residents also raised concerns about the No 18 bus stop, in the belief that this was being re-located. We have clarified that, in the completed scheme, the bus stop will be retained in its current location.
We have undertaken to work with WCC to identify how the site’s industrial heritage can be reflected in the new proposals. We expect this to involve the retention or re-use of part of historical warehouse façade, as a piece of public art.
CGI showing the revised scheme looking south down the canal
CGI showing the new canal side path with additional landscaping and the additional large glazed windows
CGI showing the Travis Perkins entrance on Harrow Road